Dennis started Logo Factory in 2001 with one founding principle... "to treat the customer the way you want to be treated when you are the customer."  In 2007, when the economy went south, he invested in equiptment, bringing quality and lead-time in house.  That decision has made the Factory the One-Source provider of logo merchandise for well over 3,000 repeat customers.  



Brock the Operations Manager for Logo Factory.  He is an Aurora University graduate and former football player.  He spends his free time as an assistant football coach at Aurora Christian School. 


Eric is our Screen Print Manager.  He has 30 years experience in the printing industry.  His attention to detail and quality make the Factory second to none in quality printing.  


Alex is our Digital Print Expert.  He is also a student and full-time Team USA international Judo athlete.


Alexis is finishing her degree in her final semester at NIU.  She helps out with Customer Service, Graphic Design and Embroidery.


Kelly is the Mom of a toddler that keeps her very busy indeed.  Kelly spends all her free time at the Factory, embroidering shirts, printing mugs or helping out with just with anything that needs to get made.


Andy is our Bean Counter.  When there are shirts to be printed, Andy is nowhere to be found... But if there are beans to be counted, he is on it like no one else.


Murphy is our Official Greeter.  Occasionally you may even see him helpping out in the back by gathering merchandise for production.

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